Saturday, May 30, 2015

Album Review: Twenty One Pilots-Blurryface

What A Blur

Twenty One Pilots-Blurryface (1.9/10)

This album is frustrating: I really have no other way to say it. Vessel had its moments i'll admit, but this thing just seems very fake to me. Twenty One Pilots spend a lot this album calling out others for making formulaic meaningless pop music, but ironically this thing is pretty much the same thing as what they are calling out. I get that this group is creative in sense, but believe they are deceptive. A lot of these songs sound very different from each other, yet almost all of them are just different forms of very stereotypical pop songs. They have songs about being bored, not wanting to grow up, and of course songs about internal struggles (which sound like pretty petty to me, sorry.) Ultimately, Blurryface tries to be a smart, left field pop album, but it fails tremendously at this. It fails because like I said its whole thematic concept feels fake and its sounds are frankly not very creative, but it also fails because it beats a dead horse. The things that I liked about vessel are just being reused, and that is really not a good sign. I understand that people enjoy a band that can blend a pop-rap-punk attitude, but yea that's been done before. Honestly if a band continues to just use this strategy they are bound to fall into oblivion: just look at Linkin Park. Also they insisted on making yet another ukelele song seemingly just to continue the trend. As a band you are not forced into any songs, and honestly I feel like TWP need to learn that. These tricks just feel old, and I think that this whole twenty one pilots sound could use some tweaking. Hell, even Tyler Joseph says that he feels like his music is affected by the media and fans. Brother, just do what you have to do to really make your music. Do not let anything get in the way of that. This is why Blurryface is so frustrating. Joseph even admits that he strips back on his music for the mainstream appeal, but he criticizes others for doing so. I feel like twenty one pilots could have made a great album here, but they half committed on an idea, and honestly doing something half way is worse than not doing it at all. As Mike Ehrmentraut says, "No more half measures Walt". 

I'm not going to bother criticizing the album any further because I simply have a lot to say in that regard. I could sit here all day and talk about this album, but ultimately a lot of the complaints will just blend together. I don't want to hurt the fans of this band, and I honestly think that you guys are completely valid in liking this band. If something makes you happy, and if you like something don't hide it. You guys are loud and proud about this band, and quite honestly that is very refreshing to see. My opinion shouldn't mean anything to you, so if you are reading this and you completely disagree with all my critiques above, just know that we probably are very different people with very different faces. While you may be a Blurryface, I will never be one and that is completely ok. 

Best Songs: HeavyDirtySoul, Not Today, Goner
Worst Songs: Stressed Out, Ride, Fairly Local, Tear In My Heart, Lane Boy, Polarize, We Don't Believe What's On TV, Hometown

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